Entertainment20 July 2022
The Phantom of the Open is ostensibly a quirky British film – a salute to the underdog and in this case his desire to overcome the impossible and make it possible.
Loosely based on a true story – it features a simple yet amiable dockyard worker Maurice Flitcroft who after much contemplation is resigned to the fact that he has failed to accomplish anything in his life as yet. When he sees the British Open Golf Championships broadcast on the TV, he’s hit with a brainwave. Believing that luck and spirit will triumph over skill, Maurice applies to enter the prestigious event – and to the immense shock of his family, he gets in.

His joy is cut short as the organisers seek to find a way to drop him from the carded event, only to find it an impossible task- so he plays in the open. This is indeed remarkable as he has never played golf in his life. He shot the worst round in Open history and posts a score of 121 (simply dreadful) thereby being referred to hereafter as “the worlds worst golfer.” Whilst also drawing the ire of the golfing elite he became a folk hero to his community and, more importantly, showed his family the importance of pursuing your dreams when you are up against the odds.

The movie overall is heart warming and endearing a true salute to the simple guy up against the establishment, if you want to see a movie to pick you up and motivate your inner most determination…then this is it. A must see plucky, quirky and entertaining movie – full of laughs and endearing moments. It truly shows how the human psyche can overcome seemingly insurmountable hurdles. To be honest – I’ve always dreamed of playing in an international golf open – I wonder what my chances might be?
Put this on your list of must see’s this season…

Check times & dates for Hoyts HERE, then head to Sylvia Park for a delightful family movie to go with your popcorn.